A Project in Phases

Because I intend this to be an educational process with an experimental feel, I have conceived of it as an iterative series of Phases as follows:

Phase One: Geek Weekly #1 (pilot) This Phase will use minimal planning and investment in an attempt to quickly work out a workflow for the digitization, transcription & indexing of a single issue (Geek Weekly #1), by a single person (me), who is also its creator.

Phase Two: Geek Weekly #2-10 (test run) This phase will focus on testing the workflow, establishing copyright guidelines, and working out crowdsourcing issues.

Phase Three: Related Zines (WTAWYLSBBOYSRVR?, Hope, maybe Massage Parlor, etc)  (wild test) This phase will again test the workflow and crowdsourcing issues, but will also feature work on new copyright issues and material acquisition and management. Long-term sustainability of project data will likely be addressed during this phase, as well.

Phase Four: DIY Subculture Documentation Guide & Free Complete Download This is when I hope to turn this project into something that can be used. I’m hoping to produce a guide to doing this kind of project in one’s own community. And I’d like to make the whole of the data freely downloadable for folks who want to use it for other projects (and for folks who just want a complete run of the zine in question).

Phase Five: Scale Up Citywide This is when the project really earns the name Austin Fanzine Project. This Phase will involve crowdsourcing both the original archival material and the description and will be a real test of the complete concept. Depending on physical & digital space issues and various other concerns, the project may seek some funding at this point.

Phase Six: Related Materials & Online Presentation This Phase will explore possibilities for digitization, description & indexing of related material (photos, audio, video, maps) and presentation via an online exhibit. This phase may take place concurrently with Phase Five.

Possible futures:

Phase Seven: Scale Up Statewide!

Phase Eight: Scale Up Nationally?

Phase Nine: Scale Up Internationally?!


Each Phase, and the Project in general, will certainly evolve as the Project progresses. As in the world of self-publishing, flexibility and freedom from institutional oversight are among the joys of this project. The Phases above represent my vision as of this writing, but I also have lots of exciting ideas about future uses of both this data and the methods/processes/guidelines I hope will come out of this. Throughout, I plan to give presentations on the subject, as I travel about.

If you want to get involved, drop me a line &/or make a donation toward the iPad fund over on the right side of the page. I am currently compiling a list of interested parties, contacts, similar projects, and possible resources, so any tips are most welcome!

Questions, contacts & advice keep rolling in from all over and I am just delighted! Thanks for your continued support!